09 May, 2024
It’s your lucky day – there’s money for you – if you will just stand by. Yes, keep reading and I’ll show you what’s involved. In order to succeed, you’re…
Bits of Complexity I’ve helped bring a new book into the world and thought I’d take a moment to talk about the book and the process. Do you remember that…
Living with the unexpected… My wife and I opened our home to her father three months ago. You see, after receiving a diagnosis last summer that his pacemaker’s battery was due…
That complaining about somebody else is good… Everybody likes the story about The Emperor’s New Clothes. What’s not to like? A pompous king, the pretentious court, some swindling tailors, and…
In The Icarus Deception of course… I’m a Seth Godin fan, so it shouldn’t be shocking to learn that I joined the Kickstarter campaign quite early. The book’s out, I’ve…

Do You Volunteer?

Put your efforts into organizations and activities you care about. Volunteers make up a significant portion of the labor behind a huge number of organizations. The people that care about those organizations want to see their continued success. Some times they need help in financial ways like fund drives, and other times they need people […]

5 mins read

Buy and Hold Investing

Getting rich the slow way. Like many people, I’m sure you’ve heard stories about the guy who invested in the stock market on a “hot tip” from his cousin’s neighbor’s gardener, and made millions overnight. I’m not going to tell you that this never happens, but you have a better chance of winning the lottery […]

8 mins read