Some Of My Worst Results Ever…
What’s old is new again. Twice in the past week I’ve been quite satisfied with having completed tasks with some of the worst results that I’ve every achieved. In fact, I’m still quite pleased with myself…
Devoted to exploring the nature of human life in our times.
What’s old is new again. Twice in the past week I’ve been quite satisfied with having completed tasks with some of the worst results that I’ve every achieved. In fact, I’m still quite pleased with myself…
It’s quite a feeling to realize you’ve never done this particular thing before… And now you have. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing – I still get a bit of a kick competing in a new type of event, playing a new game, or cooking something new (to me). Is it so amazing […]
If you’re going to draw a line, be careful where you put it… Let’s have a look at sources of food.
I am, and you are too. There’s no question that this earth is driven by our sun. All you have to do is stand outside on a clear day and feel the warmth of its rays. There is, perhaps, a bit more going on, as our sun is but one amongst the billions of billions […]
It’s not my father’s environment Sure – I’m the youngest of six, but I’ve been around a while. I’ve always found it interesting that my father experienced so much transition in his life. He was born in 1926 and lived through a whole lot of interesting times. Myself – I remember thinking as a kid […]