Connecting With Life
What itches should be scratched… I have many goals in my life, some are small, some not so small, but I can’t say that I have a single life goal. I’ve spent some time thinking about this and I’m certain that my main purpose in life is not to earn some money, and own a […]
Playing By Someone Else’s Rules
Take control today Are you a cork floating on the ocean? Do you feel you have control over your life, or do you see your actions dictated by the rules and structures of the world around you? Interesting thought, no?
Deciding to Change
Are you ready to take the plunge? Have you ever been at the beach and watched people enter the water? Some people like to ease steadily into the water. Some go in stages – advancing a little at a time and waiting a bit before continuing. And others take the plunge and dive in headfirst. […]
Three Dads at the Bus Stop
Not a mom in sight… It was the beginning of what promised to be another beautiful day. Parents chatting about the coming day, kids running around waiting for the bus. That’s when it hit me. There wasn’t a mother in sight. For at least several days a week, every week of this school year, there’ll […]
A New Years Un-Resolution
Resolving to resolve throughout the year The New Years Holiday … The end of one year and beginning of the next… provides a good backdrop to reflect on the past and plan for the future. Time to figure out what’s been working for us and what hasn’t. It seems like everyone uses this holiday as […]