The Most Important Words
Summing up life in a handful of words What’s the one most important word? How would you come to figure that out? And if one word is important, then what would be the two, three or even four most important?
Deciding to Change
Are you ready to take the plunge? Have you ever been at the beach and watched people enter the water? Some people like to ease steadily into the water. Some go in stages – advancing a little at a time and waiting a bit before continuing. And others take the plunge and dive in headfirst. […]
Building Reserves, or Using Them?
Recovering is an essential component of life When training for a sport, you spend a lot of time building your capabilities – speed, endurance, skill. During a competition, you tap into your reserves to reach your peak performance. Life isn’t much different. You train to build your knowledge and skills, tapping into your reserves to […]
All of the Rewards … None of the Risks
Limiting your life by playing it safe. Risk has a positive side – it brings rewards! Now I’m not saying that everyone should become daredevils with a total disregard for their own and others’ safety and wellbeing. But if you never risk anything, what can you truly gain? Risk comes in many flavors – some […]