3 mins read

Your Solopreneur Support System

Partners Help

I’m sure I’ve heard the term ‘Solopreneur’ before, but when it came up again recently, it struck a chord – that’s really what I am… It’s not that I don’t work with others, but I’m really out there on my own.

Recently, I’ve noticed that I’ve been having more success, and thinking about that success, I see how my work with others has helped fuel that success.

It also seemed a nice topic to write about.


Co – developers

One of things I noticed is that I’m more effective working with another individual on a project. There’s something about collaborating with someone else that motives me more than being accountable to just myself. There’s also the interaction with a partner that is a wonderful catalyst for new ideas and interesting solutions to problems.

Case in point – Timely Insights – and this isn’t a new thing. I don’t think we’d still have our presence on the web after two and a half years if John and I didn’t work on these things together.

We edit each other’s work, brainstorm together, research new items, and share in our successes.

As partners, we’re doing well.


This one makes me chuckle a little bit because I remember reading an article about mentors and their mentees a good while back (maybe a year or so), and thinking “I could use a mentor”.

The chuckle comes from realizing that in this past year I’ve developed things to the point that I should consider several people as mentors – even if we don’t have that formal relationship.

In general, they have more experience than I, are happy to think about me and my situation, and give me very good and useful advice.

Just considering how that has come about gives me new emphasis on the “think it, do it” concept.

Making announcements

The last “move forward” concept that has helped me is that of saying what I’m going to be doing. If I’ve publicly said I’m going to be doing X by a certain time, I’m much more likely to actually be doing X at that time.

Writing it down is another, slightly less powerful motivator.

Just thinking it is the least effective method, and is still better than never thinking it…

[ “When do you need it by?” is one of questions I always ask when discussing a project with someone. Having a stated and defined deadline goes a long way in helping me keep the deadline. – Ed.]


Well if you haven’t guessed, independence is one of my main drivers – I’d like to do things that are new, creative, interesting, and fun. Sometimes that’s hard to do with a large group of people.

But sometimes it’s easy enough on your own – or with a friend;-)

Here’s to knowing what works for you – and having the courage to follow that path.