Challenge Yourself
You don’t know what you can do until you need to. “Woman lifts car off trapped child” “Boy survives six days in collapsed apartment” “Trapped climber amputates own arm” “Failing student aces college entrance exams” Ok, I made up that last headline, but all the others come from web/news searches. Why is it that when […]
Do You Volunteer?
Put your efforts into organizations and activities you care about. Volunteers make up a significant portion of the labor behind a huge number of organizations. The people that care about those organizations want to see their continued success. Some times they need help in financial ways like fund drives, and other times they need people […]
What’s the Difference Between Giving Up and Moving On?
Making a fuss about perseverance… I’ve been struggling with a job that doesn’t quite fit me. Many things about it provide the right kind of feedback – enough that I’d really like to make it work. Other parts have rubbed my nerves raw where I’d rather not get up in the morning. And so – […]
Get Away to Charge your Batteries
Retreat doesn’t mean giving up… Life got you down? Are you just making it through the day? Would you rather be doing something – anything – other than what you are? Perhaps it’s time to get away for a couple days. My dad started “Boys weekend” with no real ‘agenda’ other than giving us a […]
Take What You Want – It’s OK
Really – It’s ok No, I’m not talking about stealing or shoplifting. I’m talking about filtering out the bias of a piece of work to get to the parts that have meaning for you. While researching another topic I was reading an article and thought the author had a lot of great points, but I […]