3 mins read

A Very Important Date

Four Years of Timely Insights

Can’t tell you why, but it seemed like a rather Wonderland-ish sort of event – we’ve been at this for four years?!?

I mean – by now we were supposed to be aces at this blogging thing, attracting people interested in our niche, advertising up the ying yang – wildly successful…

So on this anniversary, I thought it might be interesting to have a look at the numbers behind our modestly successful Timely Insights;-)



Over these four years we’ve published 96 articles on a variety of subjects.

Perspective seems to be the single topic that I’ve been drawn to more often than not – though I move around quite a bit.


That’s the beginning of the title of an article that I particularly enjoyed. I can’t recall the circumstances behind the inspiration, but it was quite an inspired piece – John approved the original version I sent over without any edits…


That’s the number of people behind the site – John and myself (Steve).

We’ve thought about more guest posters, but have only put out one article that way. (And that article is right here)


Our current Google PageRank.

And that’s not so bad – we’ve been as high as 4, but I think we lost that fourth point when google did a re-organization and docked most sites a while back.  Because we’re not out there promoting the site like heck, it’s a pretty good rating.

If you search for “timely insights” on google, we’re the #1 answer;-) (go ahead – test that out;-)


This fourth year has been one of the smoothest in my memory – I know switching the site over to WordPress has helped make it easier to get things published.

We still get things done on the deadline, but that may always be the case…


That’s for next year’s article…

One Thousand Eighty

This goes with number four – it’s the number of spam comments filtered by the new WordPress site.

On the old platform we would have been swamped by these – we had to remove the ones that got by the capcha system entirely by hand.  The Akismet and SpamFree solutions we use with WordPress do just fine thank you.

Seeing the future

This is one area that I don’t worry about so much anymore (see the article on running in the fog and it’s followup!).  I’m confident this next year will give us some entertaining moments, some moments to learn from, and probably a few that will challenge us.

And that’s all worth looking forward to.

Thanks for sharing with us.
