1 min read

One, Nothing, Something, and Everything

These things really have more in common than you might think

Space is pretty much full of nothing, with some things here and there…

Whether you believe in the seven-day creation or in the big bang, it started off as one. Funny how everything could be one thing, isn’t it?


Adding it up

When you look at the mathematical aspect, it is very easy to jump between those concepts … You can get from nothing to everything one at a time (a very long time, but you can get there nonetheless), visiting all sorts of values as you go. If you divide everything by itself, you get one. If you divide anything (including only one thing) by nothing, you get everything. In the grand scheme of things, one more thing doesn’t change everything that much, but without each and every one thing, everything wouldn’t be quite what it is otherwise.

People are – well – people

People reflect this concept as well. No one person is that significant compared with everyone, yet we are all people. We are made from two people and carry part of everyone that comes before, but we are each unique. You can divide people into groups many different ways because we all share some things, but if we are not careful, we may divide ourselves such that there are no people left to ponder all of this.