4 mins read

What’d ya want? What’d ya got?

Deciding what you’d like to get out of life

Fair warning – for this piece, you’ll have to bring your imagination out of hiding…

I’ve been an avid “gamer” my whole life – kid’s games, board games, war games, role playing games – you name it. I may not feel inclined to play any game a second time, but to try something out – I’m usually game;-)

I tend to extend this outlook to other aspects of my life as well…


Life’s a game

In a role playing game (Dungeons and Dragons being the most recognizable), your in-game character lives a life of adventure and daring – with skills and abilities that you as a player can only imagine. And they often have to interact with the townspeople, the inn keeper, and yes, even the shop keeper.

So your dashing hero has entered a new city with a variety of sights, sounds, and most importantly – ye old magic shop. Who can resist the chance to use some of the newly found treasure to buy something that will help in the future…

What’d ya want?

And the very first question out of the shop keeper’s mouth will be to ask what it is you’re looking for? A magical cloak or ring? A special wand? An enchanted sword, or maybe a potion?

You see, the world exists only in the minds of the people sitting around the gaming table with perhaps a few notes and maps prepared in advance by the individual who “runs” things (The dungeon master).

This person may have some general idea of what your specific character is interested in, but has certainly not thought about every single magic item that might currently be in stock at this particular shop.

They’d like to help you, but need to know where you want to go and what you’re interested in…

What’d ya got?

This is of course every player’s response to the above question.

The player would like to have a bit of a menu – something to help jog their creativity, plan a budget, or discover something new. By asking what the shop has, they get out of thinking about what it is they’d like to find.

This endless cycle of asking from both sides is a standard gaming joke…

You get what you want

So what happens? The dungeon master quickly thinks up a handful of items that this particular magic shop has for sale and offers them to the player. The player either decides to buy or not buy something today, and continues on.

Neither is particularly satisfied.

But some players know exactly what they want – and that’s great.

They’ll drop hints and prepare the dungeon master, they’re looking for a sword that will help them defeat the evil ice creatures they expect to find later on.

Imagine the gratitude when the party finds such a sword!-)

You get what you need

So what’s the point of this trip? Your life is also giving you the things that you’re interested in!

What have you expressed an opinion about?

Have you stated your goals and intentions about anything, or are you asking life what’s available for you?

Do you think about where you want to be in a year or two, or instead, do you think about what’s going to happen on your favorite TV shows?

If you had watched yourself over this past week and noted the things that you’ve expressed passion about (both positive and negative), marked when you’ve taken action, and seen what you spend time practicing, what would be your conclusion?

What is it that you’re really interested in?

Deciding is the first step

It’s true that you’ve got to take additional steps – but the first and critical step is making a choice, deciding what you want. Nothing happens without that decision.

Failing to decide is just accepting what someone else has decided for you.

Don’t just float along, take charge of your life.

What’d ya want?