3 mins read

Make The Call

Good advice over dinner after a friend’s wedding;-)

I knew the groom and his family. They had gone above and beyond normal arrangements to provide a sitter for children, an immediate formal reception, and a barbecue for families that would last into the night. And sitting next to other friends of the groom, I would get some advice that has helped get me going ever since…


It’s just that simple

I started a conversation with an older couple next to me, and explained that I had recently begun working in sales. Interestingly enough, the gentleman had retired from a career in sales! During the conversation, this old salesman shared with me the one piece of advice that helped him through the years. Advice he learned from the man he started working for all those years ago. His advice was: Make the Call.

That’s it.

Life rewards those that take the initiative.

The beauty of this advice is its straight forwardness and simplicity. It focuses on the one thing that a salesman needs to do – take action – put themselves out there. Whether it is calling a new prospect, or following up on a previous matter. You can’t “make the sale” until you make the call.

I know he went on about how his mentor had said that to him many years earlier. He recounted examples of sales he made – one such was when traveling. Simply because he was driving by a company, he walked in, spoke with the receptionist, and ultimately made a sale. I’m sure he had others, but I can’t remember the details…

I can however, recall some of my own successes – because I made the call. One of my largest sales was to an organization I had worked for – some twelve years earlier. All because I stopped in to say hello to some of the people I worked with back then.

When I started consulting on my own, I took action to a) go to a networking event, and b) follow up on a conversation the next day. If I hadn’t taken action, the other guy may or may not have – and I may never have met my best customer.

When looking to find information about a new prospect’s interest, for an answer to a proposal, or even when looking for a volunteer to work on a new project – it all starts when you – make the call.

(Even if the answer is no, you’re certainly better off than you were before you made the call, because you know you’ll have to look elsewhere.)

“Do, or do not. There is no try” – Yoda

I can’t say that I always do, but I make that call most of the time; and if I find myself hesitating, I think back to a great wedding day and some good advice, and get myself into gear and take action;-)