2 mins read

Embarrassing My Kids For The Right Reasons

It’s Going to Happen…

I’ve come to the realization that with some of the things I do, I intend to embarrass my kids.

Not in any mean sort of way, but because I know that no matter what I do, I will embarrass them – that’s just one of the rules of being a dad.

And if I’m going to embarrass them, isn’t it better to do so for the right reasons?

That dad

I certainly don’t want to be “that dad”, you know, the one that gets violently upset at the most insignificant things. Ok – let’s take that one step further – the one that gets violently upset at anything…  The list of activities that gets one violently upset ought to be very, very small, and the activities very, very significant…

Bad puns or societal references

This is perhaps, one my whims – if I can say something that requires one of them to make a connection into just why a pun is bad, or what reference is being made, they’ve learned something.

And that’s generally a good thing, even if it gets a groan.

Breaking silly rules

And if something I’ve said (or done) defies convention when convention exists for no good reason, that’s also a good bit of exposure.

Perhaps I have a reasonably strong streak of non-conformity, but conforming has never worked out well for me, so why should I start now?

If my children’s only role models are conformists, it’s going to be quite difficult for them to break out on their own.

That dad

So yeah, I do want to be “that dad” – you know – the one that can talk with his kids, joke about the nonsensical, and provide enough experiences to play, work, love, listen and live – so that his kids turn out ok.

So yes, I want to embarrass them

For things that they can laugh about later.

And in the process, show them that I really do care.