2 mins read

Just Three Conversations

Steve’s ‘Three Conversation’ Rule for Networking Events

Even if you don’t follow temperament profiles, you probably understand that introverts can have a difficult time meeting people at a networking event … While I fall into the middle area of that spectrum, I have never found it easy to “work” those types of events.

Because networking is an essential component of any professional’s arsenal I came up with the “three conversations” rule to help me connect.


Simple theory, easy measurement, great confidence builder

The rule is simple and easy to understand:

At any networking event, I must have three conversations that I would not have had otherwise.
Once this number has been met, it’s ok to leave.

Having a goal of three conversations reduces to a manageable level, the sense of dread I get at needing to “network”. It allows me to initiate conversations I wouldn’t normally have, with people I don’t know.

While I can approach friends and associates with ease, having a conversation with a stranger is more difficult, but I do it knowing I have a manageable goal for the evening!-)

There have been events where I’ve wanted to leave the moment I arrived… I might have been tired, at the onset of some illness, or had a stressful situation in the real world – for whatever reason – I just didn’t feel like mingling that night … but I knew I couldn’t leave until I had three conversations. Once my goal of three was met, I was free to stay or leave as I pleased, knowing full well that I had done what I needed to.

Under promise and over deliver

This is the great side effect of the rule – by approaching every network event with the rule in mind, I find myself more relaxed, and focused on what I need to accomplish – making connections. The first few interactions get me warmed up, and then I am free to enjoy myself and continue – frequently for a good long while.

I developed this rule several years ago. Today I find myself much more at ease when networking, but each time I put my nametag on at the front door, I still say to myself: “have three conversations”-)

Just three conversations…

Easy to remember, easy to start, and easy to complete – give it a try!