2 mins read

Complaining About Complaining

What is it about complainers…

Don’t they have something better to do with their time than to complain about this or that?

And don’t they see the irony in most of their complaints?

Ok – I may have just written about another aspect of complaining, but walk with me for a bit…


Don’t complain

So yes, this is the fundamental lesson of “Complaining About The Man” from just the other week.

The less you think you have to complain about something, the better off you’ll be.

Other complainers

But it’s hard to get away from others who feel compelled to share their complaints with you, isn’t it?

They’ll comment on the lack of driving skills on the road, the lack of ethics in any number of organizations, and the lack of consideration in the world.

What are they looking for?

Certainly not an insight

And isn’t it always the case that your friend who has the worst driving habits is also the most vocal complainer about everyone else’s driving skills?!?

Don’t you want to hold up a mirror and say – can you see yourself out there?!?

Heaven forbid you try to help them by exploring their irrational belief that if the world would just behave like them, they’d be happier…


They seem to like it if you happen to agree with them.

“Man that guy was a jerk!”

The other party was wrong, and the complainer was right – reassurance that the world is as they see it.


But really, I think they’re happiest when they get you to start complaining about things too. Not only is the world right, but you’re right there in the trenches with them!

Moving ahead

But to move ahead, we’ve got to realize that complaining isn’t likely to change the other guy one bit, and will drag you down in the process.

It’s better to let them go – and to let go of any anger or resentment that went along with the situation.

And that includes your anger and resentment about the complainer trying to suck you into a complaint-fest…

Complaining is complaining

So yes, if complaining is the only thing you can do about a complainer, you’re stuck aren’t you?

Lately I’ve been trying to look at the complaint, think of how stressed the complainer must be feeling, laugh (internally) a little about the situation, let it go, and see about being a good friend.

Hopefully, if I don’t complain much now, I’ll still end up complaining less tomorrow than I did yesterday…