Please and Thank You
The Magic of Politeness Ask any child “What’s the magic word?” and they’ll probably respond “please.” Most of us were taught to use “please” when asking for something and to say “thank you” when we got what we asked for. Yet I very rarely see those words used by ‘adults’ – especially when communicating online. […]
The Road to Wow
Tylock Releases The LinkedIn Personal Trainer Today is an exciting time in the life of Steven Tylock – I should know, I’m him, and I’m excited!-) This week marks the release of my first book The LinkedIn Personal Trainer. It’s both the hardest thing I have ever done, and the simplest. As I wrote in […]
Would you like that web site delivered?
RSS delivers web content to you. Lots of things can be delivered. The delivery boy brings you newspapers, packages, even pizza. Television and radio created a market to bring you news and entertainment. Then cable came along and figured out how to deliver it better! The web lets everyone gather from a near-limitless ocean of […]
People of the World, Untie!
Let go of yesterday and tomorrow in order to live today. This particular bit of writing might head in a couple directions before resolving, and I’d like to clue you in to that before starting. A while back, I drew some pictures on the theme of living life. But because we couldn’t figure out a […]
One, Nothing, Something, and Everything
These things really have more in common than you might think Space is pretty much full of nothing, with some things here and there… Whether you believe in the seven-day creation or in the big bang, it started off as one. Funny how everything could be one thing, isn’t it?