2 mins read

Other People’s Messes

Cleaning up after yourself

Another week, another reason to mow the lawn, and another round of cleaning up after the dog before that.

Yes, we’re dog owners – and we manage all of those aspects of ownership that come along with it.

But I’m still unhappy picking up after other dog owners…


Curbing your dog

It’s a part of life – but also something a dog owner needs to take responsibility for.

Why then do I find myself picking up after the other dog owners in the neighborhood?

It’s sad.

Oversight, Extra Effort, and Unusual Circumstances

Now some situations are excusable – on occasion.

Perhaps you left the house without the proper equipment – ok, I can understand that – once in a while.

Or because your dog did his business in your own yard before you left you thought it was safe – but there was more…

And one time when my own dog got loose I began what was to be a two mile effort to follow her and bring her home – and was not prepared when she decided to leave a parting gift in one of the lawns we were passing through.

But if I give each homeowner a pass for some sort of oversight every six months, I still wouldn’t end up with eight neatly placed piles on the edge of my lawn last weekend…

Reflection on the owner

And perhaps it isn’t the actual cleanup that bothers me – I have spent a good deal of my professional career cleaning up other people’s messes (in the corporate and information technology worlds).

What does it say about the owner / dog walker that they allow their dog to leave a pile of poo on our yard? Do they have so little respect for others and their property? Do they feel their time is more important than mine? Do they think it’s fine to have others clean up after them?

And it’s not hard to imagine that this behavior or mind set extends to other aspects of their lives. Things much more important than doggie doo.

And that makes me sad.